07 October 2008

Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Function – 3 Things You Should Know

Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Function – 3 Things You Should Know by Susan Nickerson

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating disorder affecting large numbers of our aging population. Alarmingly, the incidence of Alzheimer’s is on the rise.

There are over 5 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s already, and that figure will most likely increase drastically over the next 10 years as the baby boomer generation approaches their 60’s and 70’s.

So what exactly is the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and brain function? Are there steps you can take to help maintain your brain function as you age to prevent the onset of this disorder?

Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, President and Medical Director of the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF), believes there are. He has advocated a series of healthy lifestyle changes which should help you maintain your mental abilities as you get older.

The following three areas are part of Dr. Khalsa’s Alzheimer’s prevention plan promoted by the ARPF. By adhering to them, you will have a greater chance at maintaining proper brain function into your later years.

1. Several studies have indicated that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants will help prevent the mental decline brought on by Alzheimer’s.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help repair the synapses in your brain damaged by the formation of plaques and tangles, which mark the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Antioxidants prevent the production of free radicals in your body, which when present in excess, can kill your brain cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in most seafood, especially salmon, trout, and albacore tuna, as well as in certain green leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Foods rich in vitamins C and E are also an excellent source of antioxidants. Blueberries, grapes, cranberries, papaya, apples, and green leafy vegetables will provide you with plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

2. Recent research has identified a strong link between stress and the development of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Stress hormones have also been found to speed up the production of plaques and tangles in your brain. Studies have found that people prone to stress were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s as their lower stressed counterparts.

It is important to employ stress management techniques in your life. Some of the most effective techniques include mind-body exercises, meditation, hypnosis, deep breathing, massage, and yoga.

3. Both physical and mental exercise have been found to increase brain function. It is essential that you regularly engage in both physical and mental activities so that you keep your mind sharp.

Physical exercise will help ensure that proper levels of oxygen reach your brain. Like any other muscle in your body, your brain needs sufficient levels of oxygen to function properly.

Good methods of physical exercise include brisk walking, jogging, participation in sports, dance classes, and hiking.

There is also growing evidence that people who challenge their mind on a regular basis maintain higher levels of brain function. Your brain is a muscle. If you don’t use it frequently, it will atrophy. This will make you more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reading, writing, learning a new activity, and crossword puzzles are all good mental activities to keep your brain sharp. And of course, mind-body exercises work well here as well.

By paying close attention to these three areas in your life, prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and brain function should continue smoothly well into old age.

About the Author:

For more free information on prevention and treatment of memory loss, and issues and clinical research related to Alzheimer’s disease, please visit the non-profit Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation at www.alzheimersprevention.org

Article Source: U Publish Articles

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